DYNABAIT™ Bloodworms are marine worms commonly used as a fishing bait, uniquely processed with no additives, taste enhancers or preservatives. Simply soak in saltwater until rehydrated (time may vary) and move into a dry container but keep moist. When cast into water a disbursement of hormone, enzyme and flavour will attract any fish within reasonable distance and generate excellent catch result. During processing all natural hormones and enzymes remain undamaged, keep their full flavour and result in an amazing and productive reaction from the fish. Long shelf life ( typically 12-18 months). Proven catches have been made of black fish, flounder, cod, redfish, trevally, snapper, sea trout, weakfish, striped bass, perch... just to name a few species.
The appearance, size and colour of the product may vary inside the satchel and from batch to batch.